We in Lower Mainland Vancouver and the valley are a
coffee-crazy nation. The volume of coffee houses per
capita in the main city of Vancouver distinguishes us
apart from most other North American cities. We
definitely love our coffee and we have countless fully
devoted and serious coffee aficionado's who regularly
review and blog about their favourite coffee houses.

Everyone wants to know who has the best
espresso-based coffees and are more than happy to
travel to witness first-hand these fabulous specialty

Some people are very devoted to their favourite coffee
house, while others love to test the waters in many
various locations.

The result  is that over the last decade all of us in the
whole Metro Vancouver & Valley area have developed
more sophisticated taste buds when it comes to good
specialty coffees.... and we all want to know where the
best of these specialty coffees are so we can take our
loved ones, friends, or even have meetings in locations
where we know the coffee is great.

It is no longer enough just to serve specialty coffees
with any type of beans. We want the best.
About Us
Baristas & Tastes
Baristas are the new rock stars of the world. Baristas can
make or break the espresso. One can go to the same
coffee house, and with the same beans receive two
completely different flavours, depending on who is

Baristas in coffee houses change often and it is
extremely rare to have more than one barista create the
same high level of quality in an espresso-based drink.
Training is essential and attention to detail is just as

Tastes are another important factor. Everyone has
different preferences when it comes to flavours in foods
and coffees are no different. Some people prefer dark,
full-bodied flavours, while others prefer very light and
acidic tastes. The combinations are endless with regards
to preferences.

Still, there will always be those espresso-based coffees
that stand out from the others regardless of preferences
of taste.  
We are 7 coffee lovers who would highly anticipate the
various public surveys in local magazines that displayed
who had the best coffee house in any given area.
Unfortunately that excitement would dissipate when we
were faced with the results.

How could that particular coffee house be number 1
when we all unanimously agreed it was not. Survey after
poll, we were continuously disappointed by the results
presented to us. Finally, one of us mentioned they were
going to find out how many coffee houses there were,
and would visit each one personally to actually find out.

That journey brought all of us in and swept us away into
an exciting adventure that turned out to be far larger
than any of us anticipated. However, we accomplished
our mission and it continues on to this day.

We are currently working to convert this site to a fully
interactive site contributed to by everyone, yet not
controlling by way of 1 group being able to send in a
massive amount of votes, thus enabling inferior
espresso-based coffees to win in various areas.  

Everyone's vote still counts though. We just ask that
consumers be impartial and truly dedicated to the bean.

The Gang at BestCoffeeInMetroVancouver.com
Who we are
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